:La Paris:

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Template: Nurul AtiQah
Edited By: Your Name

8As in hands // resolution 2014


First of all I nak cakap thank you Allah for giving this golden chance for I'm still breathing. I'm left with only 7 days until the result comes out. I can deny, i'm so nervous & afraid. But some people say, if tak nak takut kita mesti "have faith in Allah" He is The Almighty, InsyaAllah He will give the best for me. Cita-cita I memang besar, nak dapat 8As because I wanna make my parents proud. Sounds cliche but that's what every child wish to do. Niat I nak dapat 8A kerana Allah. One of the reason is, I nak continue belajar dekat Seseri and it's for sure kerana Allah. Memang since dulu pasang cita-cita nak sekolah situ. 

"Ya Allah, Engkau berikanlah aku keputusan yang cemerlang untuk PMR 2013 yang mana keputusannya akan keluar pada minggu hadapan. Jadikanlah hari tersebut hari yang penuh bermakna bagi aku. Jadikanlah hari tersebut hari yang akan membuat kedua-dua ibu bapaku tersenyum kegembiraan & menangis kegembiraan. Setidak-tidaknya Engkau berikanlah aku apa yang telah aku target. Janganlah Engkau berikan aku kegagalan. Sesungguhnya hanya padaMu aku meminta Ya Allah." 

Kalau I dapat 7As pun I dah cukup bersyukur & happy. PMR is once in a lifetime right? So of course I want the best. They say, doa hari-hari dan yakin dengan apa yang Allah beri itu adalah lebih afdhal daripada asyik meminta tapi selepas itu sombong dan angkuh kan? Aku mengaku dulu aku macam tu time UPSR. Aku sombong denganNya. Tapi sekarang aku sedar akan kelemahan diri aku. Aku dah tanam azam untuk berubah menjadi yang lebih baik. Mungkin bukan seorang yang alim, tapi cukuplah dengan bersujud hanya padaNya yang Maha Esa. Aku sedang bertawakkal. Andaikata aku tidak dapat 8As maka aku redha. Cuma aku takut kalau parents aku kecewa. Itu satu-satunya yang aku akan menyesal. 

Azam untuk 2014 pula;

I nak belajar dekat Seseri. Pada masa tu mungkin aku tak nampak apa yg bakal aku lalui tapi aku dah tekad nak focus belajar especially untuk Math. Aku tak nak form 5 nanti patah balik ke form 4. Aku nak jadi seorang yg "mak bangga dapat anak macam ni" itu yg aku harapkan. Aku menanti ayat tu diungkapkan oleh mak nanti. Then, aku nak cukupkan solat 5 waktu. Kalau boleh tak nak tinggal InsyaAllah. Nak perbanyakkan amalan sunat. Hehehe. Itu sahaja kot. Ya Allah, dengarkan lah doa hambaMu ini. Amin Ya Rabb. 


mr perfect


Just back from a fridate with my mr boyfriend. He was too busy with football match yet he still wanted to see me. I have no reasons to hate him. He looked so hawt just now i cant even open my eyes and mouth when he talked to me. It was raining, the thought of postponing the date was nearly confirm to be made but suddenly he appeared. I was so shocked hehehe.

Our fridate was just 10 minutes because he had to continue with the game. I dont mind because i had partner with me that time. Thank you, beloved friend for accompanying. He made me feel so happy, as today was so magical. 


"You have no reason to be sad my dear, look at those who is more unfortunate than you. Look at the blessing that u got, its a million more than your hardship. When sadness strikes, i will always look at the blessings i have It completely kills my sadness. It turn into shame that i could not apreciate"

Has this ever happened to you? You run into a friend you haven't spoken to in a while. You look at each other for a moment, wondering whether you should talk or not, cast awkward glances, and eventually go about your business. It's funny how two friends who were once inseparable can become complete strangers, isn't it?

Okay guys, so i have problems with my bestfriends. I dont know who's correct is it me or her? I sincerely say, i love her more that i love myself. I guess she did'nt care. She never will. We had fights because of WHITE LIES. Well actually this is it;

Friendships are built on trust. Many a confidence is shared between two 'good' friends, and once that confidence has been violated, then expect the friendship to be broken. It is difficult, and at times impossible to restore a friendship, and most of the time, it will never be the same. But if you work on trying to get along and fix things it may turn out to be a better situation.

I do think we'll never have the chance to get back. Yes, we are not meant to be a bestfriend till Jannah as what people always say. I am not a good friend. I feel so low, I feel down, I feel scared. Did i hurt her heart a lot? I am confused. I do love her, i told the whole world how much i love her i dont want to lose her. They'll never understand this.

I tweeted. But the tweets are not for her. I know, getting defensive will cause her to do the same which will make it hard for the two of us to work things out. I want to fix everything. Aishah, no you dont need to be an ego person. All you have to do is forgiving people's mistakes.

I think I should try to sit back and see another perspective besides my own. This is a situation where one needs to think critically. It's not simple to try to understand other people. Think about recent events that have gone on in her life. Try to understand the reason that our relationship got to such a heated level. Part of gaining understanding of another person's perspective may involve speaking to mutual friends or family members of that person. However I shall be careful though, because a mutual friend can be dangerous to talk to. They may be trying to manipulate the situation for their own benefit, or things that I say may inadvertently get twisted when they get back to the friend I am fighting with aite? But I believe all my good friend. I think i really need their helps. 

I wanna show her that I am really sorry :(
Aishah Dolhatta I miss you a lot :)

"A simple friend thinks the friendship is over when you have an argument. A real friend knows that it's not a friendship until after you've had a fight."

Lots of love,

Broke up

Okay, every relationship must has its end, aite? So, i helped myself!

i'm no expert in this, to be honest but i'll just try to help okay. I mean i'll just say what i feel you all should try to do.
First is, stop hoping. I know I still love him but let it go. I don't dwell on that feeling so much. I know i am dwelling on it because I'm letting it consume myself even after I've broken up with him. the fact that it's over, the more I should feel glad because He is taking care of him for me. 

Well guys, if you love him, all you need to do is pray for him. you shouldn't feel worried or sad or jealous that another girl is flirting with him because if I were you, I'll just let it be. I'll tell myself that the person isn't meant for me. and if I still do love him and have feelings for him after soooo long, I know that I should pray and seek His guidance. if the person isn't meant to be with you, then save the drama and jealousy and what not. there's no point being bitter.
and another advice. if you are suffering, turn to Him, The Only One who can mend your heart, my dear. after all, He is the one who put you through this suffering and He wants you to turn to Him, to find Him :)

Told ya, i'm not an expert especially when it comes to love part. But hope it helps :) 

Lots of love,


Hello whats up peeps? do you guys believe first in love sight? YES.
Then how you keep loyal to your relationships?

Yes, for me,
it's safe to say that I'm a loyal person because so far, there's only been one person who's truly owned my heart and I have gone through that "moving on" phase but to no avail. maybe I did moved on at that point of time. I tried to move on. but that person will always be in my heart and I'm pretty sure this sounds cliche but i'm positive that nobody can ever replace that person in my heart. Hahaha this is serious talk and if you guys wanna know, it is okay if many guys chase after me when everyone knows that I am a very loyal person and only one owns my heart.